Monday, 9 August 2010

When you communicate with god....

As told to Aneesh and other mind openers on 27th July by our beloved Doc.....Actually not exactly as told as this is more an attempt to capture the essence of my own interpretation....

"When one starts communicating with God, one has to be very careful. Not just about what is being said but on how it may imply something else. Just like it happened to this young boy who got his wish for ten days of penance. After 30 such days of hardship he had truly earned his three wishes.
He wished for
1. A large bag full of money,
2. To be surrounded by a lot of women and
3. To travel in a large automobile.
His wish was granted... He became the conductor of a ladies special bus!

Sometimes, communication can go haywire when we try talking to god. Have we ever imagined what happens when god tries to communicate to us? I guess we neither imagine such rarities and nor prepare for such unlikely event.
More often than not this is what it does with most mobile operators.

1. Youth - The customer you are trying to reach is not reachable.
Between ages 5 and 25, we end up spending a lot of our time with the so called friends in all kinds of places like the beach, the park, the playground, the cinema hall and where not. Invariably we end up in area's that do not have any kind of network coverage for god to reach you.

2. Middle Age - The customer you have called is busy on another call.
Between ages 25 and 55, we are running so much and attending to all kinds of calls from work and family, walking a tight rope to make odds and ends meet that god is invariably waiting on the second line. Invariably god keeps waiting patiently for as long.

3. Old- The number you have called is switched off.
After 55, we also desperately want to have a word with the creator. By now, of course we have exhausted all the charge on the battery that when god tries reaching, you have switched of already.

Here is how it looks now; "Man" the most intelligent of the Lord's creation in never there when god tries to reach. Under some rare coincidence, when you are within the coverage area, with full charge and no other call, there is that call from God that is all there to be answered. So, always be prepared to communicate with your creator. Communication is not just about concept or clarity, it is more about connecting first."

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